Most generally, I regard "intelligence" is whatever creates, perceives, and works with order, patterns, systems, complexity. The functioning of DNA is a prime example of the operating of a "natural intelligence." Whatever makes a seed into a tree, can be considered a natural intelligence. Whatever enables an organization to function like a very intelligent person, is the organization's natural intelligence.
Intelligence is not the same as knowledge. Intelligence is also not the same as wisdom. However, intelligence is quite useful, especially for helping things operate in a way that gets the most results from the least effort and resources!
Intelligence is, for us, fundamentally a spiritual "force" which brings everything into being, sustains and shapes it, and eventually dissolves it back into nothingness. That is the Divine Intelligence, of which all other "intelligences" are specialized versions. It is that Divine Intelligence which, most fundamentally, is the Divine Light's creative aspect, we are seeking to "amplify in all" via this ministry.
There are many kinds of Intelligences which operate in an organization or group, and its individuals, its culture, and its systems, and which can be amplified so that the endeavor accomplishes its Vision, Mission, Purposes, and Goals more quickly and easily and powerfully.
A primary one that we work to enhance is sometimes called the "Emergent Collective Intelligence" of the group or organization. It is sometimes called the "soul" of a group or organization. For explorations of this see our blogs
We also work to enhance the 7 fundamental "Intelligences of Living Systems" identified by Tim Winton as PatternDynamics (TM).
Our work is also deeply influenced by other approaches to general principles of "biomimicry": seeking to pattern human affairs after the Divine Intelligence of Nature.
(Examples: (the work of Elisabet Sahtouris))
We also work to enhance 12 "Integral City Intelligences" identified by Marilyn Hamilton who works extensively with them all over the world. They have wide applicability. (
We also work to enhance the 21 "Spiritual Intelligences" identified by Cindy Wigglesworth.
Cindy Wigglesworth, author of "SQ21: The 21 Skills of Spiritual Intelligence" . When Daniel Goleman's book "Emotional Intelligence" was published in 1995 the idea that emotional intelligence was a better predictor of success than the traditional IQ was considered radical. Now the idea has gained much support and is practically mainstream. Cindy's SQ21 is just that kind of game changer.
(We are not at this time certified by any of those creative thinkers and organizational consultants, in their systems, nor do we work under or with them or with their permission or guidance.)
We also work to enhance the various more ordinary intelligences such as:
cognitive intelligence
emotional intelligence
social intelligence
kinesthetic intelligence
spiritual intelligence (beyond the 21 mentioned above)
And we also work with the Intelligence of Learning, which itself creates further Intelligence.
First-order Learning (learning a skill or knowledge)
Second-order Learning (learning how to learn a skill/knowledge)
Third-order Learning (learning how to learn how to learn)
Our work is also informed by Integral Theory, Spiral Dynamics, and half a century of experience in a variety of intelligences related to teaching, coaching, counseling, market planning, strategic planning, program and systems development and management, holistic/natural healing modalities, and a spiritual/religious ministry which draws on many teachers.
Can you begin to imagine the effects of increasing some of these Intelligences in your endeavor?
by Rev. Alia Aurami, Ph.D., Head Minister, Amplifying Divine Light in All Church
"Amplifying Divine Light in All" is a completely independent church fostering empowerment of people to co-create loving, thriving God-realized lives, and wellbeing for everyone, on a clean, peaceful Earth.
Our main religious purpose and mission is to amplify the Divine Light in everyone. When you read this article, you will agree or disagree with its various points, and then you will know more about what is true for you. Knowing more of your own Truth amplifies your Divine Light. Thus providing/presenting this article is one way for us to accomplish our purpose and mission.
This article and our providing/presenting it are therefore a central and essential part of our exercise and practice of our religion.
None of the contents herein are claimed as absolute truth. They represent one possible perspective which might prove useful for you.
All rights reserved under the Common Law. This means please respect our creatorship.
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