How is this a religious activity?

How is this a religious activity?

How does this all work, a minister working with organizations and businesses? Does the organization or business have to agree with the religion? Will it be asked to participate in the religion?

The answer to the latter two questions is No and No.

Here's how our religion interfaces with working with organizations/businesses:

All this work is a formal "ministry" of our church, and is an essential and central practice of our religion. That is an attitude and a truth from our perspective.

It falls out from several factors:

All that I do is as Head Minister of my church, and is a ministry. This is turn falls out from several factors:

  • All of life is sacred; there is no division between spirituality and business or any other arena of life. This in turn flows from our inner knowing that everything is God. All intelligences are ultimately expressions of the Divine Intelligence which ongoingly creates everything that is.

  • My role and commitment as a minister of my church which is based on my inner mandate and calling from God, which is my own Nature, is that I am a minister 24/7.

  • I only work with organizations and businesses which I am Divinely called by God to work with. God has directed me to make this organizational work one of my ministries. I work only with those organizations whose foundation, methods, values, and purposes are basically spiritual in nature, ultimately aimed at the spiritual advancement and growth of the world.
  • My own special God-given nature and talents are to be an embodied expression of Divine Intelligence, one of the characteristics of God. This work is God operating in the world, through me and this work which is an expression and practice of my religion and spirituality to amplify and enhance the Divine Intelligence of everyone.

The businesses and organizations I feel called to work with 
  • are from among those whose purpose and work are aligned with our church's purpose and work in co-creating a more loving, peaceful, spiritually-conscious world. 
  • are from among those who are willing and able to acknowledge the spiritual dimension of their own purpose, mission, and goals, and to consciously incorporate it into the way they operate. 
  • are not necessarily sharing our specific approach to spirituality or beliefs, but are compatible with ours, and share our deepest/highest values.

All my work is as an unpaid volunteer. Our church functions in a gift economy. Anyone who wishes to make a freewill contribution or donation to our church, is welcome to do so, whenever and in whatever amount they feel called to gift to us. We are free to accept or not accept, anything offered to us.

That's how it looks from our side. From the perspective of the business or organization, my work could be seen as being a resource to enhance the natural intelligences of the endeavor, so it operates more intelligently to accomplish its purposes -- that means more powerfully, more quickly, more easily, with fewest hassles and expenses. 

Among the "intelligences" of any group endeavor, is what is sometimes called "spiritual intelligence." I help to enhance that, as well as all the other natural intelligences, which I include as spiritual.

by Rev. Alia Aurami, Ph.D., Head Minister, Amplifying Divine Light in All Church
"Amplifying Divine Light in All" is a completely independent church fostering empowerment of people to co-create loving, thriving, God-realized lives, and wellbeing for everyone, on a clean, peaceful Earth.
Our main religious purpose and mission is to amplify the Divine Light in everyone. Providing/presenting this article is one way for us to accomplish our purpose and mission. 
This article and our providing/presenting it are therefore a central and essential part of our exercise and practice of our religion. 

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