Background Work Experience

Background Work Experience

For those who want more info on various work-related life experiences I draw on, here's a partial list. Specifics available on request. These represent things I have actually done, not all that I have studied and the certificates I hold in various healing and spiritual modalities.

Grocery Store Checker
Product Assembly work, duplicating department of a large university
Executive Assistant to a Professor of Management at large university

Research Assistant to a Professor of Child Psychology at large university
Research Assistant to a Clinical Geriatric Psychologist in state hospital
Research Assistant to a Clinical Psychologist in a large VA Hospital
Clinical Psychologist (psychological testing) in state hospital
Assistant in design and construction of a small house

Pre-school teacher: poverty-level kids, upper-class kids, ordinary kids
Designed and developed and co-taught a unique curriculum for severely brain-damaged deaf blind preschool children
Wrote several papers on same
Designer of preschool programs for a small business chain opening schools
Day Care Staff Trainer and Program Designer, in a statewide government-sponsored program
Writer for several small national magazines on philosophical topics

Public School teacher, Kindergarten level
Instructor, Early Childhood Education, college level

Family Restaurant Waitress
Teacher of Speed Reading for a National Company
Program Co-Designer and Director, (3 years) innovative statewide college-level adult learning program, at a state university
Re-designed systems of the library of a state-university department, and managed the library, one year

Advertising Director, Downtown Business Association, for a small city
Consultant in Market and Strategic Planning, for small professional service businesses
Guest lecturer on Strategic Planning, college level
Served on Academic Committee for a Masters' Degree Candidate at a small local private college
Designed and delivered numerous workshops on Market and Strategic Planning for small professional spiritually-related service businesses, nationwide
Wrote a column in a local monthly magazine for one year, on marketing for spiritually-oriented small service businesses
Marketing consultant, newsletter column-writer, Trager Institute International (Also designed and delivered workshop at their International Conference)

Spiritual healing practitioner
Consultant in Market and Strategic Planning, for small professional service businesses
Designed and delivered numerous workshops on Market and Strategic Planning for small professional spiritually-related service businesses, nationwide
Wrote a book/workbook on same
Extensive study and practice, several network marketing organizations
Designed and delivered several workshops on financial management for network marketing practitioners
Spiritual healing practitioner
Local sponsor, workshop planner, and marketing manager/promoter for an international spiritual teacher

Spiritual healing practitioner

Spiritual healing practitioner and teacher
Co-designed and launched a micro-church with its own micro-religion
Co-created and co-led several workshops and coaching sessions on the subject of co-creating a micro-church as a spiritual practice

Starting in January 2005, everything I do is a ministry as
Head Minister, "Amplifying Divine Light in All Church"
Published and wrote ongoingly for church blog
Spiritual Healing Practitioner
Founder, moderator and spiritual teacher for several online and local spiritually-oriented groups
Facilitated development of one person's idea and vision into a website and book to facilitate spiritual healing (a 5-year project: -- and co-designed online course
Holistic pastoral counseling in relationships and natural healing, for individuals and couples

All of the above continuing, plus see
Created, designed and managed Member Support function and served as Assistant Operations Manager function for two International Online Conferences (in addition to the Integral City 2012 Online Conference)
Co-author of Integral City Core Team's chapter in forthcoming book on we-spaces
Co-author of unpublished chapter in forthcoming book on we-spaces
Co-author of unpublished article on higher we-spaces for Kosmos Journal, 2014
Co-author of presentation on the eco-system of higher we-space groups at Integral European Conference 2014
Co-designer and co-facilitator of Integral City's constellations and final plenary harvest session for Integral Theory Conference 2015 (
Co-supervisor of ongoing home-care-giving for an elderly unwell person
Blogging about higher we-spaces and other Second Tier and Third Tier Integral-related topics (
Designing and facilitating local and online groups exploring and experimenting with emergent collective intelligence 

Member of Core Team, Integral City (

Spiritual teaching, coaching, healing (in-person and at-distance) and mentoring

Designing startup systems for communication and workflow, and several other roles, in Enlivening Edge (
(Collaboration Facilitator, Community-Building (internal and external,) general support for other roles, Holacracy Secretary, Slack Forum Cultivator, Vision-Holder, Volunteers Coordinator, WorkFlow Optimizer, Writing Quality Amplifier) 

Co-designer and co-facilitator, Teal Organizations Track of Integral European Conference 2016 ( 

Co-designer in the Hosting Team for Next-Stage World Gathering, Rhodes, Greece, 2016 
( (Also Slack Forum Facilitator and Harvest process designer)

Blogging about higher we-spaces and other spiritual/Integral topics at

Blogging about spiritual topics

Holistic pastoral counseling in relationships and natural healing, for individuals and couples

Co-supervisor of general care for an elderly unwell friend 


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